大學部研究機會培育計畫(University Research Opportunity Program (UROP)) 2015 New Era!
計畫主持人 - 鍾文耀教授
Ateneo University (Training Course)
(DIGS Alumni, 2005)
(新豐 福樂休閒魚場)
(You believe, You do!)
我們研究室(Mixed-Signal VLSI Research Lab.) 提供給電子系/電資學院不分系學士班大一&大二學生的研究機會培育計畫(Research Opportunity Program)的活動,今年暑假(2015 Summer)即將正式展開。 歡迎有興趣與熱忱從事跨領域研究(如智慧電子於科技農業,生物醫學,積體電路設計與嵌入式系統整合應用,大數據分析與雲端運算,無線感測網路與物聯網)的同學可以先送電子郵件: eldanny@cycu.edu.tw 給我,再進行下一階段面談審核。 LAB616 科技農業研究網頁連結 國外相關網頁連結 1. Univ. of Michigan UROP 2. Univ. of Minnesota UROP
*主要研究發表論文的現況紀錄 (2016/03/20)
Dear Professor Chung,
We are pleased to inform you that your paper "CMOS
Readout Circuit Developments for Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor Based
Sensor Applications" has achieved impressive readership results. The
chapter you have published with InTech in the book "Solid State Circuits
Technologies" has so far been accessed 7000 times. Congratulations on the
significant impact that your work has achieved to date.
The top downloads of your paper are from the following five countries:
United States of America
United Kingdom
If you are interested in additionally disseminating your work, there you will
also find the necessary guidelines.
The book containing your paper can be directly accessed at this link:
We congratulate you once again on your success.
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