Prof. Wen-Yaw Chung

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- Prof. Danny Wen-Yaw Chung (鍾文耀老師)

2011年11月30日 星期三


  • 作者:溫世仁/著

  • 出版社:大塊文化

  • 出版日期:1996年12月01日

  • 成功是一種觀念,致富是一種責任,快樂是一種權利;有了成功、財富,快樂的微笑最好。本書的編輯有一部電腦辭典,每次碰到艱深難懂的英文,都會拿出辭典來敲一敲,電腦辭典的快速查詢,對她幫助不小,卻從未想到會和電腦辭典的製作人-溫世仁先生合作。溫世仁和蔡志忠這兩位傳說中的高手,胸懷成功、財富、快樂三大武林秘笈前來、兩人聯手出招,教你如何擁有最好。

    雲科大周榮泉教授 獲國際傑出發明家名人堂第一名 (與有榮焉!)


    2011年11月28日 星期一



  • 作者:江本 勝/著

  • 譯者:長安靜美

  • 出版社:如何

  • 出版日期:2002年09月25日

  •  暢銷日本、震撼歐美

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    2011年11月22日 星期二

    Having happy friends can make you happy

    If you’re happy and you know it, thank your friends — and their friends. And while you’re at it, their friends’ friends. But if you’re sad, hold the blame. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Diego, have found that “happiness” is not the result solely of a cloistered journey filled with individually tailored self-help techniques. Happiness is also a collective phenomenon that spreads through social networks like an emotional contagion.
    In a study that looked at the happiness of nearly 5,000 individuals over a period of 20 years, researchers found that when an individual becomes happy, the network effect can be measured up to three degrees. One person’s happiness triggers a chain reaction that benefits not only their friends, but their friends’ friends, and their friends’ friends’ friends. The effect lasts for up to one year.
    The flip side, interestingly, is not the case: Sadness does not spread through social networks as robustly as happiness. Happiness appears to love company more so than misery.
    [Read more]

    Stress Management: Approaches for preventing and reducing stress

    Whether it comes in the form of a pile of unpaid bills, a contentious argument with your spouse, a worrisome health problem, or a traffic jam, stress is a part of everyday life. While some stress is inevitable, when your body repeatedly encounters a set of physiological changes dubbed the stress response, trouble can brew. Stress may contribute to or exacerbate various health problems, including these: high blood pressure, suppression of the immune system, headaches, insomnia, depression, and irritable bowel syndrome.
    But it’s possible to dismantle negative stress cycles. This report can help you identify your stress warning signs and learn how to better manage stressful situations. In these pages, you’ll find a variety of tools you can use to accomplish that task. In addition, you’ll find a handy four-page portable section that walks you through a variety of quick, easy stress relief techniques.
    Your job is to decide which tools fit you best and to start using them. Your efforts can reward you richly with better health, greater peace of mind, and a smoother, more joyful course through life.
    Prepared by the editors of Harvard Health Publications in consultation with Herbert Benson, M.D., Director Emeritus, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Aggie Casey, M.S., R.N., Director, Cardiac Wellness Programs, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate in Medicine, Harvard Medical School. 47 pages. (2011) ISBN 978-1-935555-60-5
    [read more]

    推薦電影 & Book

    The Help - 孰悉的Mississippi Cities, 相信MSU, Ole Miss 的校友會有很大的共鳴!


    凱瑟琳.史托基特(Kathryn Stockett)
    1969年生長於密西西比州首府傑克森市,在阿拉巴馬州立大學獲得文學與創作學位,畢業後移居紐約,從事雜誌出版與行銷工作九年,她目前與丈夫和女兒居住在亞特蘭大。《姊妹》(The Help)是她的第一部小說。

    片長:146分  上映日期:2011/11/18  廳數 (32),講述20世紀60年代美國密西西比黑人遭受種族歧視、不公平待遇的社會現象。艾瑪史東、維奧拉戴維斯、艾莉森珍妮與西西史派克主演。

    2011年11月11日 星期五

    張三的歌 - 李壽全演唱

    作詞:張子石  作曲:張子石
    我要帶你到處去飛翔 走遍世界各地去觀賞
    沒有煩惱沒有那悲傷 自由自在身心多開朗
    忘掉痛苦忘掉那地方 我們一起啟程去流浪
    雖然沒有華廈美衣裳 但是心裡充滿著希望
    我們要飛到那遙遠地方看一看 這世界並非那麼淒涼
    我們要飛到那遙遠地方望一望 這世界還是一片的光亮
    Background and Appreciation (2)


    主旨:  身體會留下生氣的痕跡 ---- 今天收到最棒的e-mail與您分享!!!*


    Smile since you were kids

     To be beautiful when you grow up

    Even your beauty faded...but still look so happy

     No matter what bad things happen to you but Keep A Smile on your face.
    and me too.

    最好別生氣 身體會留下痕跡
    文章來源:生命時報 愛生氣的人很難健康,更難長壽。但在日常生活中,人們免不了要生五種氣:閒氣、怨氣、悶氣、賭氣和怒氣。我國首批國醫大師,中國中醫科學院、中國工程院院士程莘農教授告訴《生命時報》記者,要養生,關鍵就要會生氣,會散氣,如果氣散不掉,很多疾病都會由此而發。 五種氣最好別生!

    It is done by moving the corners of the mouth upward.

    LET ME SHOW YOU HOW..............

    2011年11月3日 星期四

    美4歲音樂神童指揮交響樂團 技驚四座

    美4歲音樂神童指揮交響樂團 技驚四座


    強納生(Jonathan Okensiuk)鍾愛古典音樂,媽媽說他19個月大時首次看到管弦樂團演奏,以後“不管手邊有什麼,都拿來當成小提琴玩”。父母讓他學拉小提琴,錢德勒交響樂團更義務教他做指揮。一年前,強納生穿上燕尾服登上指揮台,帶領近 30名比他最少大 20歲的音樂家,演奏《電閃雷鳴波爾卡》(Thunder and Lightning Polka)。

    強納生節奏感十足,絕非亂指。他右手拿著指揮棒,主導樂曲節奏;左手指示團員適時凸出主旋律,奏到激蕩處更搖頭晃腦,贏盡掌聲。他的表演短片在網路上點擊率直逼 700萬。

    強納生年紀更小時,在家聽 CD模擬指揮貝多芬的《第五交響曲》。他的動作隨旋律改變,在半秒間由小動作,變成激動的大動作,最後更扔掉指揮棒,整個人掉到地上大笑。